Discover FMLC

Learn about the background, history and goals of free music lessons charity
FMLC is a charity setup by a committee of volunteers in Oswaldtwistle. In the last twenty years, the cost of a music lesson has more than doubled. Additional educational activities for music have become difficult to fund and resource for schools. The financial crisis, the pandemic, inflation, food and gas prices. It’s not difficult to understand why these opportunities are dwindling faster than ever. Not just for schools, families in our communities find £36 an hour (the national average) for tuition difficult to find.
Our Volunteers

Our Volunteers

Meet profesionals
Our fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade

Our fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade


Frequently asked questions

FMLC is a charity setup by a committee of volunteers is Oswaldtwistle.

In the last twenty years, the cost of a lesson has more than doubled. Additional educational activities for music have become difficult to fund and resource for schools.
The financial crisis, the pandemic, inflation, food and gas prices. It’s not difficult to understand why these opportunities are dwindling faster than ever. Not just for schools, families in our communities find £36 an hour (the national average) for tuition difficult to find.

Performers, musicians, amateur or professional, with an interest in learning whilst supporting their community through performance or helping us spread the word about our cause.
Business to help share our cause between their customers and community, advertise and host events or simply donate towards the cause

Most importantly, we need school leaders, teachers, governors who know their communities and students. We need your expertise to help direct the money we raise to where it’s needed.

Our committee so far has raised over £8000 through local donations but mainly our very own annual festival in Oswaldtwistle called OSSYFEST.

As the charity builds, we are launching more funding applications as well as attempting to crowdfund for specific initiatives such as FMLC Live, detailed here.

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

Help Us Now


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.